
Logos designed for your brand, product, or service.
Graphic arts created for print (posters, cd album covers, business cards, etc.) and web (banner ads, layout design).


Standards compliant and thoroughly quality tested on many devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.

The perfect choice for beginning an online presence. The site allows visitors to find you online, read more about your services, and provides the ability for them to contact you.
All the features of STARTUP with an added photo gallery. Keep your customers informed with an easy to use blog. Interact dynamically with your visitors through Facebook and Twitter. Your social media sites will match the theme of your website.
Bring all your business together online. Set up an online shop, have your own personal YouTube style site to share music and videos. Host user-group forums or a Wiki-style site. It's up to you.
Refresh and reinvigorate your existing website. Requests typically are for changing the design, updating stale text and broken links, integrating an events calendar, mobile browser compatibility.


We have several years experience in Media Production and have created online advertisements, music videos, produced corporate training videos and independent films.

Website Hosting

Jayden Media has the facility to host your website. Our hosting packages come with a wide array of features and perks.

The most cost effective solution and also the most hands-on.
Full access to your site account via cPanel.
Managed Hosting:
Focus on your business while we focus on your website.
All of the server configurations, email accounts, 3rd-party website modules (such as a blog) are managed by Jayden Media.
Change Allowance: If you find a small edit, just ask and it will be done for you at no additional cost.
Statistics Reports: Full site statistics software installation lets you see who is visiting your site and track your traffic.


Our business consultancy is generally aimed to support our customers in the areas of graphic design, internet marketing strategy, intranets and business process automation.

Workshops are also available for the following areas:

  • Technology awareness and benefits sessions
  • Internet and intranet strategy workshops
  • Search Engine Optimisation strategy and top tips
  • Requirements gathering and usability workshops
  • Business Plan preparation
  • Implementation and roll-out planning